Liko 1 (galime užsakyti)
FUG71000V, ZWS6120BW, ZWS7120BW, ZWSE6100V, ZWSE680V, ZWSE7100V, ZWSE7120V, ZWSG6100V, ZWSG6101V, ZWSG6120V, ZWSG7101V, ZWSG7121V, ZWSH6100V, ZWSH7100V, ZWSO6100V, ZWSO680V, ZWSO7100V,914338817 00 20140213 ZWSG6100V ZANUSSI
2 914338818 00 20140213 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
3 914338819 00 20140213 ZWSH6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
4 914338819 01 20150902 ZWSH6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
,914338817 00 ZWSG6100V ZANUSSI
914338818 00 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI
914338819 00 ZWSH6100V ZANUSSI
914338819 01 ZWSH6100V ZANUSSI
914338819 02 ZWSH6100V ZANUSSI
914338819 05 ZWSH6100V ZANUSSI
914338835 00 PWS71010A ZOPPAS
914338851 00 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI
914338851 01 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI
914338851 02 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI
914338851 03 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI
914338851 04 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI
914338870 00 ZWS7120BW ZANUSSI
914338870 01 ZWS7120BW ZANUSSI
914338870 02 ZWS7120BW ZANUSSI
914338870 03 ZWS7120BW ZANUSSI
914338871 00 ZWS6120BW ZANUSSI
914338871 02 ZWS6120BW ZANUSSI
914338871 03 ZWS6120BW ZANUSSI
914338890 00 ZWS61210V ZANUSSI
914338891 00 ZWS71420V ZANUSSI
914338932 00 ZWSH7100V ZANUSSI
914338932 01 ZWSH7100V ZANUSSI
914338932 03 ZWSH7100V ZANUSSI
914338932 04 ZWSH7100V ZANUSSI
914338933 00 RTF71203W ROSENLEW
914338933 01 RTF71203W ROSENLEW
914338933 02 RTF71203W ROSENLEW
914338933 03 RTF71203W ROSENLEW
914338946 00 ZWS76100WW ZANUSSI
914338948 00 ZWS77100WW ZANUSSI
914339044 00 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI
914339044 01 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI
914339044 02 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI
914339044 03 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI
914339044 04 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI
914339044 05 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI
914339045 00 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI
914339045 01 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI
914339045 02 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI
914339045 03 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI
914339045 04 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI
914339045 05 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI
914339056 00 PWS51010A ZOPPAS
914339083 00 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI
914339083 01 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI
914339083 02 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI
914339083 03 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI
914339090 00 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI
914339090 02 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI
914339090 03 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI
914339119 00 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI
914339119 01 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI
914339119 02 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI
914339120 00 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI
914339120 02 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI
914339120 03 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI
914339120 04 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI
914339120 05 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI
914339121 00 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI
914339121 02 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI
914339121 03 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI
914339121 04 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI
914339121 05 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI
914339128 00 ZWSG7101V ZANUSSI
914339128 01 ZWSG7101V ZANUSSI
914339128 02 ZWSG7101V ZANUSSI
914339128 03 ZWSG7101V ZANUSSI
914339128 04 ZWSG7101V ZANUSSI
914339129 00 ZWSG7121V ZANUSSI
914339129 01 ZWSG7121V ZANUSSI
914339129 02 ZWSG7121V ZANUSSI
914339129 03 ZWSG7121V ZANUSSI
914339129 04 ZWSG7121V ZANUSSI
914339136 00 ZFUG71000V ZANUSSI
914339136 01 ZFUG71000V ZANUSSI
914339136 02 ZFUG71000V ZANUSSI
914339136 03 ZFUG71000V ZANUSSI
914339137 00 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI
914339137 01 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI
914339137 02 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI
914339137 03 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI
914339214 00 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI
914339214 01 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI
914339214 02 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI
914339214 03 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI
914339214 04 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI
914339216 00 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI
914339216 01 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI
914339216 02 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI
914339216 04 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI
914339227 00 ZWSO680V ZANUSSI
914339227 01 ZWSO680V ZANUSSI
914339227 02 ZWSO680V ZANUSSI
914339227 03 ZWSO680V ZANUSSI
914339308 00 ZWSO7100V ZANUSSI
914339308 01 ZWSO7100V ZANUSSI
914339308 02 ZWSO7100V ZANUSSI
914339308 03 ZWSO7100V ZANUSSI
914339308 04 ZWSO7100V ZANUSSI
914339990 00 PWSF610EX ZOPPAS
914339990 01 PWSF610EX ZOPPAS
914339990 02 PWSF610EX ZOPPAS
5 914338819 02 20170919 ZWSH6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
6 914338819 05 20190212 ZWSH6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
7 914338835 00 20140523 PWS71010A ZOPPAS Household washing machines
8 914338851 00 20160511 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
9 914338851 01 20170830 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
10 914338851 02 20180810 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
11 914338851 03 20180827 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
12 914338851 04 20181121 ZWSG6120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
13 914338870 00 20170724 ZWS7120BW ZANUSSI Household washing machines
14 914338870 01 20180731 ZWS7120BW ZANUSSI Household washing machines
15 914338870 02 20180831 ZWS7120BW ZANUSSI Household washing machines
16 914338870 03 20181206 ZWS7120BW ZANUSSI Household washing machines
17 914338871 00 20170724 ZWS6120BW ZANUSSI Household washing machines
18 914338871 02 20180929 ZWS6120BW ZANUSSI Household washing machines
19 914338871 03 20181106 ZWS6120BW ZANUSSI Household washing machines
20 914338890 00 20190322 ZWS61210V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
21 914338891 00 20190326 ZWS71420V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
22 914338932 00 20160524 ZWSH7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
23 914338932 01 20170926 ZWSH7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
24 914338932 03 20180922 ZWSH7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
25 914338932 04 20190228 ZWSH7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
26 914338933 00 20160323 RTF71203W ROSENLEW Household washing machines
27 914338933 01 20180731 RTF71203W ROSENLEW Household washing machines
28 914338933 02 20180827 RTF71203W ROSENLEW Household washing machines
29 914338933 03 20181121 RTF71203W ROSENLEW Household washing machines
30 914338946 00 20191002 ZWS76100WW ZANUSSI Household washing machines
31 914338948 00 20191003 ZWS77100WW ZANUSSI Household washing machines
32 914339044 00 20140212 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
33 914339044 01 20141015 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
34 914339044 02 20150812 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
35 914339044 03 20170920 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
36 914339044 04 20180525 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
37 914339044 05 20180831 ZWSE680V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
38 914339045 00 20140212 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
39 914339045 01 20141008 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
40 914339045 02 20150813 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
41 914339045 03 20171012 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
42 914339045 04 20180725 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
43 914339045 05 20180829 ZWSE6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
44 914339056 00 20140527 PWS51010A ZOPPAS Household washing machines
45 914339083 00 20160209 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
46 914339083 01 20170926 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
47 914339083 02 20180815 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
48 914339083 03 20180920 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
49 914339090 00 20170303 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
50 914339090 02 20180829 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
51 914339090 03 20181116 ZWSG6101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
52 914339119 00 20140206 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
53 914339119 01 20141007 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
54 914339119 02 20150814 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
55 914339120 00 20140205 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
56 914339120 02 20150916 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
57 914339120 03 20180611 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
58 914339120 04 20180831 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
59 914339120 05 20181123 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
60 914339121 00 20140219 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
61 914339121 02 20150817 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
62 914339121 03 20180611 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
63 914339121 04 20180921 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
64 914339121 05 20190806 ZWSE7120V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
65 914339128 00 20140911 ZWSG7101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
66 914339128 01 20150817 ZWSG7101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
67 914339128 02 20171011 ZWSG7101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
68 914339128 03 20180524 ZWSG7101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
69 914339128 04 20180829 ZWSG7101V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
70 914339129 00 20140911 ZWSG7121V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
71 914339129 01 20151022 ZWSG7121V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
72 914339129 02 20180601 ZWSG7121V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
73 914339129 03 20180831 ZWSG7121V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
74 914339129 04 20190227 ZWSG7121V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
75 914339136 00 20160420 ZFUG71000V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
76 914339136 01 20171011 ZFUG71000V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
77 914339136 02 20180614 ZFUG71000V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
78 914339136 03 20180917 ZFUG71000V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
79 914339137 00 20160523 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
80 914339137 01 20171021 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
81 914339137 02 20180823 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
82 914339137 03 20180920 ZWSE7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
83 914339214 00 20140116 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
84 914339214 01 20150814 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
85 914339214 02 20180529 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
86 914339214 03 20180828 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
87 914339214 04 20181217 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
88 914339216 00 20131213 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
89 914339216 01 20151120 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
90 914339216 02 20180604 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
91 914339216 04 20181113 ZWSO6100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
92 914339227 00 20170803 ZWSO680V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
93 914339227 01 20180604 ZWSO680V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
94 914339227 02 20180828 ZWSO680V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
95 914339227 03 20181105 ZWSO680V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
96 914339308 00 20140129 ZWSO7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
97 914339308 01 20150919 ZWSO7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
98 914339308 02 20180529 ZWSO7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
99 914339308 03 20181002 ZWSO7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
100 914339308 04 20181113 ZWSO7100V ZANUSSI Household washing machines
101 914339990 00 20170913 PWSF610EX ZOPPAS Household washing machines
102 914339990 01 20180524 PWSF610EX ZOPPAS Household washing machines
103 914339990 02 20181001 PWSF610EX ZOPPAS
Naudojantis siuntų tarnybomis prekes pristatome visoje Lietuvoje arba galite atsiimti mūsų parduotuvėje Kaune.
Galite rinktis iš maždaug 11 tūkst. prekių mūsų internetinėje parduotuvėje, ir dar apie 4 mln prekių galime užsakyti pagal poreikį.
Jau 30 metų sėkmingai prekiaujame nauja ir naudota buitine technika, atsarginėmis buitinės technikos dalimis, detalėmis. Remontuojame ir taisome.
Turėdami ilgametę patirtį mes visada Jums patarsime kurią detalę geriau pasirinkti konkrečioje situacijoje ir kas tiks būtent Jūsų poreikiui.
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